Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mega Post!


Again, I apologize for my lack of blogging...
I blame it on school and papers.

But anyways, I have lots of fun stuff to share
with you from the past 10 days!

Everyone knows that I'm the bagel queen!
Therefore, I've been going through bagel withdrawals here in London....

Fortunately, I found Beigel Shop!
While this is no Great American Bagel, I must say it was pretty tasty!
The bagels here are astoundingly cheap, I believe 20 pence...
And they are made fresh in their shop everyday!

Friday night we celebrated Alex and Anna's 21st birthday!

Went to a very popular polynesian themed club called 

To start off we each had our pick of the tropical drink of our choice!

Then once things got rolling they brought out the big party cocktails!

Mahiki has taken the top spot on my list of favorite clubs that I have been to so far!

Tuesday night Ellen and I went to go see the musical Matilda!

I think you can tell by just looking at the stage 
how cute and fun the show was!

On Thursday night my first visitor arrived!
A friend of my best friend Cayla (HEY GIRL)
came to stay with me- Kirsten!

We went to all the typical touristy spots 
including some places I've yet to visit
so I had fun being a tourist this weekend too!

Enroute to Buckingham Palace we saw some 
commotion going on in the distance. 
Turns out we arrived perfectly on time to see the changing of the guards!

During this big ordeal, the whole area (vehicles and people) stop to watch the guards march in with their band in order to switch out.

Buckingham Palace

Our next stop was Harrods...

Let me tell you we were in heaven.
If you don't know about Harrod's you best go do some research.
I could spend hours on hours just looking at everything 
wishing it was all mine.

Stupid me didn't take pictures of the inside though.
I'll make sure to next time! I was just in awe....

After lots of walking we were ready for food.
So there was not a question of where we should go next:
Borough Market
(yes I've been here before but you can never go to many times)

For lunch we shared a salted beef sandwich that was of course delicious.
We also stopped for one of my favorites, empanadas and 
also bought some of the freshiest salami I have ever tried.


The best of all was our cookie the size of our head!

 After eating all that food we decided to go for a little 
walk across the London Bridge.

 I think I've mentioned this before but the London Bridge is not anything spectacular...

What is though, is the bridge pictured behind us which is
Tower Bridge!

Later that night we made our way to La Bodega Negra for dinner.

As you can guess the drawing point is the sex shop entrance..
but once you walk downstairs you'll find that the restaurant is a cozy cantina.

The food and drink were great but the 
small portions and high prices not so much.
Although I did enjoy our time there, it don think it was worth the money...
Lesson learned!

 We then made our way to Floridita for some more drinks.
We had so much fun just sitting and talking with Ellen, Alex, Anna and Res
for the rest of the night. Many laughs and stories were shared!

We spent the next morning out and about in Kensington.
Our first stop was to the Parent Trap house.

These are some of the houses in the neighborhood.
All painted white and with beautifully groomed front yards.

Below is the Parent Trap House.
Unfortunately it was under construction but we still got a peek!

Finally stopped for the typical telephone booth shot!

Next we started our walk towards Kensington Palace
where William, Kate, and Baby George live!

Albert Memorial

Kensington Palace

And how could I not take Kirsten to afternoon tea?!

We went to Crusting Pipe in Covent Garden where we met
Jade, Katelyn, Jonah, and their two visitors!

Don't be fooled by the name,
there was nothing crusty about our experience!

Then we took a little train ride to see the notorious
Platform 9 3/4

And finally to end our weekend we all gathered back up at Mother Bar
for a fun night filled with great music and dancing!

I had so much fun having Kirsten here this weekend 
and showing her around London.
We saw so much and definitely ate way too much!

You are truly a trooper for reading this post if you made it this far!
I'll reward you by leaving you with one of my new favorite songs:

Waiting All Night: Rudimental

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