Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dublin and Mags!

Get ready for another super blog post!

I'm about to cover a whole week that includes St. Patrick's day weekend 
in Dublin and Maggie's visit to London!

Early friday morning I hopped on the train which took me to Wales.

From there, I took a massive ferry to my final destination:
Dublin, Ireland!

After arriving, I made my way over to my friend (through Cayla!) 
Deirdre's place, who hosted me this weekend!

That night we went out to a club named Dicey's.

And I even found my friends from London!

Saturday morning Maggie finally arrived!
After getting settled in Deirdre took us for a tour around Dublin.

St. Stephen's Green

The Temple Bar

Dublin Caslte

St. Patrick's Cathedral

The festivities began on Sunday!

During the day we hung out at Deirdre's friends house
where I don't even want to guess how much cider we drank...

 We pretty much stayed there the entire day and into the night
drinking, eating and even napping!

For St. Patrick's Day we headed over to the parade!

As you can see there was massive amount of people...
so it was a bit hard to see!

Electric Harp Guy

A Big Peacock

And a very sexualized Cuckoo Clock.. 

"Kiss my A**"

Later we headed over to Dicey's for some more cider!

I want to thank Deirdre and her roommates so much for letting me and Mags stay! Along with the six roommates there was about 10 different visitors in and out all weekend. 
You guys are the best!

Finally we headed back to London on Tuesday!

As always, the whole week was centered around food!
Tuesday night we randomly picked a place called BananaTree.
They served Indochinese food and it was delicious! 

Afterwards we walked around Leicester Square and Picadilly Circus.
Of course we couldn't help ourselves from going into M&M world for dessert!

It wasn't til after walking down Regent Street, eating half of our M&M's that Maggie remembered I gave up chocolate for Lent..... Oops!

Wednesday I took Maggie for a touristy walk through town.
Starting at Big Ben and Wesminster Abbey,
we headed towards Buckingham Palace through St. Jame's Park.

After a walk around in Harrod's, where Maggie tried her first macaroon!
We headed back home to get ready for the night.

We again randomly choose a new restaurant!
We went to a Mexican place near Covent Garden called Pacifico.

While Mag and I started out the night saying we only wanted a salad for dinner, we probably ordered the two biggest things on the menu... typical.

Afterwards we took a short walk to Cambridge Theatre where earlier that
 morning we waited to get 5 pound student tickets for Matilda! 
If that's not a discount, I don't know what is!

Thursday started off with a touristy pic of Maggie in a telephone booth!

And then onto St. Paul's Cathedral we went.

No pictures allowed but I managed to snap one of the dome!

Next we met up with Jade and Katelyn at Bea's of Bloomsbury 
for some afternoon tea!

With a more modern approach to tea, I think Bea's has been my favorite
tea time I've experienced so far!

Later, we ended our night at O'Neil's where we bumped into some 
familiar faces and made new friends too!

 I think Friday was our favorite day of them all, though!
We began at Borough Market.

Friday during lent called for a Veggie Burger!

Some exotic meat...

Had to swap my chocolate chip cookie for some carrot cake this time!

After eating lots of food we went for a little walk.
Our route was over the London Bridge, 
along the river to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.

We then decided to make our way to Hayword Gallery to see an exhibit 
everyone has been talking about...

The entire gallery was filled with works by Martin Creed.
Most of his art were very playful and definitely very thought provoking!

Our final destination of the week was the London Eye.
After getting to the front of the line then deciding I had to go to the bathroom and Maggie reminding me I'm afraid of heights after we were in our pod.....

It's been such a crazy, eventful, happy, hilarious, and tiring week! I am so happy that Maggie came to visit me in London and I was able to show her around. However, it made me miss everyone back home a little but more once she left. Three months down, two to go though!

Today's music choice is inspired by our trip to Matilda this week!
Please watch the whole thing, I promise you won't be let down by Bruce's dance moves!

Revolting Children: Matilda the Musical

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