Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Back to Class

Greetings from beautiful Mile End where it was a stunning 54 degrees today!

Yesterday was the start of classes and I was quite surprised (and happy) to learn that I only have class Monday and Tuesdays! Each class only meets once an week for an hour lecture followed by an hour seminar. And it just so happens that I have two classes Monday and two Tuesday... sweet right? Now I have a plethora of time to explore London and Travel!

The classes I am taking are Approaches to Fairytales, London & its Museums, Architecture of London: 1837 to present, and King Henry XIII: Then and Now. They all seemed very interesting and I'm excited to see what they all have in store for me! I'm especially excited for my Architecture and Museum class because we get to go visit various places every week and learn about them firsthand!

The only thing I'm a little worried about is all the papers we have to write...... The only work we have for most classes is just 1 or 2 big papers and then maybe a test. For some that might sound great but anyone who knows me, knows how much I HATE writing papers. Right now I think i have about seven 4-10 page papers due at the end of March. YIKES! Good thing I have most the week off so I'll have plenty of time to get started!

Sunday we had a second orientation at my study abroad company's office. After they took us on a little tour which took us down Oxford Street: Europe's busiest shopping street and through Piccadilly Cirus: the time square of London. When they were done they set us free to explore and do our own thing. It was fun getting to know yet another part of the city and I can now add it to my list of places I can get to all by myself!

Oh yes and I'll just squeeze in our night at this really cool bar went to on Saturday! Alex finally got here so Ellen and I met up with him to get some dinner and drinks! 1. His tube stop was so cool and old time Londonish. 2. We went to a really delicious small Italian restaurant Alex found for dinner. And 3. We found this cute cafe bar called Coco Mono! Definitely going back!

Coco Mono Cafe Bar

And to end, I'd like to leave you with my newest English obsession, Chocolate by The 1975


1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS NARTIE!! Also great vocab love "plethora" mwa mwa. And Chocolate is one of my new favorite songs too ugh twins!!!
