Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hot Dogs, Champagne, and Macaroons

Hello my friends! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while but I've had a pretty hectic week. From finalizing my class schedule for this semester and dealing with my crazy roommate, I've been a bit tied up. But that whole situation is currently being dealt with and hopefully everything will be back to normal Monday!

Now onto the good stuff!

Welcome to Bubbledogs!

All my Chicago friends know I have this obsession with wanting to go to a champagne bar. So when I came across this place my eyeballs almost popped out!


 For champagne, it was super nice because you can order just a glass. Or if your with a big group you can buy a bottle. Alex picked the brut and Ellen and I chose rose.

Now onto the dogs!

Ellen and her BLT dog

Alex and his Naked dog with onions

 Me with my New Yorker dog

After that you'd think we'd be so full but nope! So it was obvious that we had to go find some dessert! And what better way to end a meal then with some fresh macaroons? So when Alex mentioned going to Laduree, I was all for it! For those who don't know, these macaroons are baked freshly in Paris and flown out to London every single morning. No other macaroons can compare!

 We then took a little walk to Picadilly Circus where we sat in the middle of the square and enjoyed our scrumptious treats! Some of the flavors we tried were raspberry, vanilla, pistachio, coffee, salted carmel and lemon. It's hard to pick a favorite but I think I'd have to choose the salted carmel. I think Alex and Ellen said their favorite was Pistachio.

After a fun day filled with delicious food and great company, we were all ready for a nap! So we said our goodbyes and promised we'd see each other later in the night. Can't wait to see what tonight will have in store for us!

This time I'd like to leave you with a bit of London that reminds me of camp. I was fortunate enough to meet with another counselor from this summer who is actually from London! It was so great having tea with her and catching up. So, this song goes out to Marrigje and the rest of my camp family! I really enjoy the acoustic version and I hope you do to!

Pompeii by Bastille

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