Thursday, January 30, 2014


Let me start off by telling you that this massive food binge your about to see was all caused for the reason that I didn't have any bread to make a sandwich...
Therefore I decided to go to Borough Market to "check things out" because I heard they had food and I was looking for some lunch.

Boy was I in for a surprise!

How could I ever chose right?

Well since it's my birthday week, I told myself it was okay to treat myself to a day full of food! And that's just what I did!

Appetizer- Chicken Empanada 
Lately I've been dying for some Mexican, so when I saw this I just couldn't resist. Definitely a tasty pick!

Lunch- Veggie Burger
 I'm not really a fan of real burgers so I've had my fair share of veggie burgers. Hands down this has to be the best and freshest I've ever tasted. I think this was my favorite food of my visit.

Dessert- Meringue
Okay so I've always wondered what these white fluffy looking things actually tasted like so I'd thought I'd try one today... Let's just say not what I was expecting.

It's not that I didn't like it but it definitely wouldn't be my first choice. I would described it as having a chalky out side covering with a marshmallow middle.

A few seconds after that third picture it fell from my hands and onto the ground... I think that was God telling me either 1. Go get something better or 2. Stop eating!

So I kinda did both. I went the healthier route and grabbed some luscious raspberries!

After that you can probably guess that all I want to do was nap, and I did!

As I mentioned my 21ST BIRTHDAY is this weekend!!!!!
I'll be traveling to Amsterdam to celebrate and do a little sight seeing. So watch out for a fun blog to come! Until then, I'll be at the gym working off the 1.000 calorie meal I just devoured!

Here's a song from one of my favorite english artists. Make sure to watch the video cause its really cute and creative!

Foundations : Kate Nash 

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