Friday, January 3, 2014

I made it!

Hello from London!

For those of you don't know, this semester I am studying abroad at Queen Mary, University of London! I just arrived Thursday and I can't believe that I'm actually here! I'm just about ending my 2nd day here and I already feel like I've adjusted to some of the local norms. Yesterday, I took my first red double decker bus! (Now I don't know if this is stupid of me to say, but did you know all their transit buses are double decker? I thought it was just the touristy buses!) Needless to say, I obviously went right on up to the top level and enjoyed the view! Later that night, some of my new friends and I went to a pub/bar/restaurant (i don't really know which) that Noelle had recommended to me from her trip last semester called Half Moon. It was very chill place right next to campus with cheap food and drinks. Thanks Noe, everyone loved it!

As for today, we had orientation... not the most exciting stuff so i'll just skip that! What was exciting was the Thames River boat ride we took later. About 180 of the study abroad students went to take a boat ride down the river. Food and music were provided but what I enjoyed most were the beautiful views! Since we went at night, everything was lit up and glowing. Truly a spectacular sight to see! The boat ride was also nice because I got to talk to some of my new friends and get to know them a little bit more. Once the boat ride was done we were all in need of a bit more food and drinks so we went on a search to find a pub! Well.... we really failed and ended up just going to Nando's (another really good suggestion from Noelle!) to get some food. Oh and I almost forgot we took the tube for the first time! Living in Chicago and riding the L, it was easy to jump right on and figure out where I was going. As long as I made sure to "mind the gap," I knew I'd be okay!

The London Eye

Big Ben

Tower Bridge

All in all, I'm already enjoying myself and loving London. I'd like to give a shout out to my partner in crime, Ellen, and thank her for just being here! It's been real nice having one of my close friends in London with me in such a new and exciting environment.

Tomorrow brings a new day full of more exploration and touring! My checklist includes a Mile End walking tour, buying a London phone, pan and dishes, and more food, and lastly a trip to pound land (equivalent to our dollar stores) to get some cheap essentials!

Hope you'll stay tuned in and read my royal fart (aka opinion and stories) about my time in London and other countries of travel!


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