Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Here Comes the Sun

Look familiar?!

Today we visited Abbey Road, in which The Beatles titled their 11th studio album after. And, up top we attempted to reenact the photo on the album's cover. It's quite funny because there's no traffic light or any stop sign to allow tourists to take pictures. You basically have to run out into the middle of the road and just hope a car doesn't hit you! Thankfully everyone made it out alive and I'd say we got a pretty sweet picture too!

Just to the left of this picture is Abbey Road Studios where the Beatles recorded most of their albums and singles from 1962 to 1970. Others who have been know to record music there are Pink Floyd,  the HolliesBadfinger, and the Shadows. And even more current, Lady Gaga recorded Born This Way there!

Our other stop for the day was Parliament Square where Big Ben is located. Can you tell me what Big Ben is? If you answered the big clock your wrong! Big Ben is actually the bell of the clock on the tower. The tower which houses the bell is now officially called the Elizabeth Tower, after being renamed in 2012 (from "Clock Tower") to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II. 

The Elizabeth Tower is the 3rd tallest free-standing clock tower in the world and holds the largest four-faced chiming clock in the world.

And of course, I will use a Beatles song to send you on your way. Being a 90's baby, my mind quickly flashes to the Parent Trap and to them walking around London whenever I hear this song. Although I'm not a crazy Beatles fan, the Parent Trap definitely made me love this song. (P.S.- I know this is a cover of The Beatles but I just love the Parent Trap so deal with it!)

So without further ado,
Here Comes the Sun, a Beatles song, covered by Bob Khaleel

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